Advance Your Medical Coding and Billing Professional Career

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28 Weeks

Certificate Length


Available Industry Certifications

What Does It Mean To Earn Your Industry Certification As A Medical Coding and Billing Professional?

A professional coder reviews clinical documentation and translates medical procedures, diagnosis, supplies, and services into codes that are submitted on a medical claim to payers for reimbursement. A professional biller utilizes the codes assigned by the medical coder to process, submit, and track medical insurance claims. An individual with both medical coding and billing knowledge and training often fulfills both roles, assigning medical codes and processing healthcare insurance claims. Professional Coders and Billers demonstrate their proficiency by earning industry-recognized certifications.


This industry certification ensures individuals can:

  • Accurately locate documentation in the patient record to support coding and billing processes.
  • Submit claims for reimbursement based on payer policies and procedures.
  • Review patient records and assign numerical codes for each diagnosis and procedure.
  • Specialize in physician-based settings such as physician offices, group practices, multi-specialty clinics, or specialty centers.
  • Provide practical application of coding operative reports and evaluation and management services.


AAPC (formerly American Academy of Professional Coders) is a professional organization within the United States that focuses on providing training, certification, ongoing education, networking and job opportunities to medical coders, billers, auditors, compliance managers and physician practice managers. It was founded in 1988.

The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) has been the worldwide premier association of health information management professionals since its founding in 1928. It is widely respected for its credentials and is known as the leading authority for health information management knowledge.

The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) is one of the largest allied health certification providers in the nation. Since 1989, it has awarded over one million certifications and is validated and nationally recognized as providing students with the required level of knowledge to succeed in their chosen careers.

Select The Right Training Certificate For Your Goals

Medical Coding and Billing Professional

The Medical Coding and Billing Professional online certificate will prime you for an enriching career in the healthcare sector, where you’ll adeptly manage billing processes and medical codes to facilitate efficient patient care and reimbursement.


Picture of amanda lin

Amanda Lynn is your Workforce Training Specialist. She is here to help you understand your certificate of study, payment options and succeed! Get in touch with Amanda to learn more about your certificate, AdventHealth University and how to achieve your workforce development goals!


Oral and written English proficiency is a requirement for course participation and certificate examination.


Interested In Another Workforce Development Certificate?

AdventHealth University is devoted to supporting you throughout your professional journey and believes learning is a lifelong endeavor. Our career development certificates provide leading-edge instruction and clinical training in high-demand fields, ensuring you will feel confident and competent as a certified professional.